Bible Reference Today: Luke 9:1-2
Jesus Sends Out the Twelve
9 When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, 2 and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.
You might be very familiar with the saying “ if you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, you will make heaven and leave eternally” while this is the Ultimate truth of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, there is much more than just making heaven.
The Love of God for his creation knows no bound. It goes beyond life after death. His desire is to see you joyful and lacking nothing while you are still on earth.
Genesis chapters tells us the story of His creation, the earth was in perfect order before man was made and put in it to leave in abundance and have dominion over all that HE made.
However, this heritage was handed to satan by Adam and Eve who were the first couple to leave on this earth. They did this by obeying satan who deceived the woman to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil against the council of GOD. This disobedience placed man under the torment of satan who tortures man with all forms of sicknesses and hardship till now.
Gods love made HIM to sacrifice HIS only Son Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary so that any man who chooses to believe this sacrifice is for him or her, will reclaim his heritage.
Message: only in JESUS CHRIST you can and will reclaim a life desired for you by GOD who made you and gave you all things to enjoy.
This fact is emphasised by Peter in this passage below
2 Peter 1:3 According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:
Our Bible passage for today shows us that, JESUS CHRIST sent out HIS disciples to preach AND TO DELIVER FROM DEMONIC OPPRESSION AND HEAL ALL MANNER OF DISEASES. JESUS Christ himself did this very well. He preached the kingdom of God and healed all manner of diseases.
If you receive Jesus Christ, you don’t only have the privilege of making heaven, you also enjoy deliverance from every form of demonic oppression and you also receive the power to be healed and to enjoy all things GOD has given you.
Congratulations to you who already have Jesus, it’s your turn to tell others the good news of the gospel so that they too can be saved.
If you are yet to receive Jesus Christ, now is the best time to do so, tomorrow may never be yours.
Reach out to us and we will team up with you to begin your new life to liberty in Jesus Christ..shalom
